Monument to Ermak

The order to build a monument to Ermak was given by Nicholas I to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the annexation of Siberia. The project was developed by the academician of architecture Alexander Pavlovich Bryullov, brother of the famous painter Karl Bryullov, but its implementation was delayed. Only in 1830 at the Gornoshchitsky Marble Factory near Yekaterinburg began the production of the obelisk. This work lasted several years, and finally, in December 1835, a sled ride of four hundred horses delivered the prepared parts of the monument to Tobolsk. But only two years later, engineer Birkin undertook to erect the monument. The place for it was chosen on the high, dominating over the surroundings, Cape Chukman (as an option, the placement of the monument on Panin Bugr was also considered).

Monument to Peter Pavlovich Ershov

The first monument to Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov in Russia was erected in the city of Tobolsk (in the foothill part of the city, near Severyukov’s house, in a public garden at the intersection of Mira and Ershova streets). The monument was made of sheet copper by the sculptor V.M. Belov. The pedestal of the monument, made of marble chips, was surrounded on four sides by a copper strip (50 cm high), on which scenes from the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” were depicted by the method of chasing.